The Roadtrip
The adventure that I have waited so long
All preperations are done... which means that I did the last ones on the day when we actually wanted to start.^^ Lot's of important things were missing and thanks to my friends and my collegues from work I managed to organize everything that prevents us from death situations.
But to make sure that everything goes right Saori and I first start to head to the north for a test roadtrip to double check anything that could go wrong. Here is the route for you.
I don't need to describe how I feel when I have a view like this.
Found some backpacker mates at the beach site. Cooking with head lightbulbs.
Camping in Australia is illegal. But the rangers are usually quite understanding and only ask you to leave when they find you.
Welcome to the outback!
Baywatch ;D
The Pinnacles Desert... WA's Stonehenge
Back in Perth for a last goodbye to some real good friends that I have spent a long time with. Hope to see you again guys!
First stop: Mandurah
The first Pelican that I have ever seen! *o*
That one is going to become our dinner! It's a present from the locals.
A bit strange that a homeless shows me how to cook crabs...
Arrived in Margaret River, the place famous for its wine.
Me trying to attract this skater guy.
Self-organised winery tour through different places. It's a dream landscape!
Saori wants to change the means of transport.
Good morning to the seaside!
Going for a walk with our "dog".
The last moment before I died...
After the adventure at the beach we headed to the Mammoth Cave.
It's the first time for Saori to see something like this.
"Kill me..."
Respect the nature, ignore the signs^^
The vegetation is insane!! South Western Australia has great forests.
Last stop at the Margaret River region is Augusta (Orgasta for the Germans who read it).
After we visited Cape Leeuwin we already headed to our next goal: Pemberton.
After the first days I have to say that the roadtrip is the best travelling option I have ever done. But it is definetely so good, because I can share everything with my travel mate. Also there is a lot to talk about during parts where nothing happens. For now I have to say that I am totally satisfied with my situation and I am happy to share every single kilometer with Saori.
I can't wait to see what will happen next time!
1 Kommentare
Wow! I like your pictures so much!! :D Miss you here in Japan! :D Hope you are happy and always find your way! <3